Mares And Kaps -Actors, Writers, Comedians

Going out of 2020 with episode 20!

Nite Owls chats with the creative duo that is Marianne Bayard and Jonathan Kaplan, the creators, writers, and actors in a new show, "Mares & Kaps", the progeny of their sketches from "Killing It!" webseries. The logline? Inspired by a promising actors’ suicide, a delusional woman and her loyal best friend leave suburbia to find fame in Glitzburgh. It's a funny authentically manic study of friendship and following a dream. Like so many things in 2020, the show is on a short pause, but you can help them out via donations (see notes below) and I encourage you to consider.

Nite Owls chats with Marianne and Jonathan about writing, clown school, being creative with other people, band scenes, Fringe Fest, Long Island, pursuing darkness, and hash out Eric's 20-year complicated relationship with Jonathan.

Follow Nite Owls on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.
Follow Mares and Kaps on
Facebook, Instagram, and support them HERE.
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Steve Nice - Syncs + Artist Management


Christa Shaub - Artist Manager, Tech Entrepreneur